It is easy to learn in their classes because they are ready for the day. The word “effective” stems from the Latin word effectīvus which means creative or productive. 1.) 5. There are a handful of characteristics found in effective classrooms that every teacher should work toward cultivating. ", DO it-read, SUMMARIZE in your own words- focuses their attention and helps them to review readings and subheadings. -knows how to design lessons for student mastery. Based on those recurring themes, the researcher has concluded that there are at least 12 clear characteristics of being an effective teacher. hurricanes, gulf coast region, verbs, etc.) To bridge the gap between research and practice, he includes checklists of skills and positive qualities associated with effective teacher performance as well as red 3. Being able to apply what we know. Others focus on high performance ratings from supervisors. Synthesis: Divergent, original thinking, proposal, design or story. 4.) Effective teachers are clear teachers. Effectiveness is an elusive concept when we consider the complex task of teaching. Reflection Questions that need to be asked, 1.Discipline content: structure, elements, logic, possible uses, social biases of subject content, Aspects of Reflective Decision Making also known a areas of teacher competence that affect instructional decision making, 1.Attitudes that foster learning and genuine human relationships, 1. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Teacher creates curriculum and activities for a student who is allowed to progress at his/her own rate. How Long does it take to gain their attention? Discussion first, activity second. Knowledge: Recognizing and recalling information. Usually in written form. Treats students with respect and caring. ability to communicate clearly (giving directions you must be specific), 3.) The following qualities of effective teachers were shared again and again: Qualities of Effective Teachers 1. Be visible, ask questions, value what you see and give praise for effective teaching and learning practices. When triggered, the connections that have been constructed by the brain reassemble into the patterns that make up memory. Characteristic # 5. effective teacher. Questions should be posed by the teacher that guide reflective thought and critical thinking. They demonstrate confidence. Each person has a different role. HOW curriculum is implemented in the classroom. This is student centered. They are also the most felt and loved by students. Teachers must deal with unexpected events and have the ability to control student behavior, using effective classroom management strategies. Effective teachers are clear teachers. There are 7 stages of development. 2. These features set managerial, behavioral, and instructional guidelines—for teachers and students alike—that help to preemptively solve problems. Guided Practice, 7.) Homework and class practice, 4. The most frequent response is that a great teacher develops relationships with students. Effective teachers tend to have similar characteristics: enthusiastic, creative and positive. Love Their Students. About one-fourth of the children in the U.S. live in poverty (< $18,000). It looks like your browser needs an update. Characteristics of Effective Schools 1. • How is it defined? sional characteristics of effective teachers: Characteristic 1: Prepared The most effective teachers come to class each day ready to teach. An effective teacher is a boon to students. This is why checking your own research paper is tough. We retrieve in pieces- deductive process- whole to part. They make sure their players have no question about the expectations and goals that have been set for the team. In any type of problem solving, the student is actively involved in deriving a solution to a problem/dilemma posed by the teacher. 1. Whether it comes from books, education, Pinterest, YouTube, Facebook, blogs, TpT or what have you, keep finding it! 4. Content as it relates to student interests and real life. Strategy used to help students categorize attributes of a specific concept (e.g. Without content knowledge, it's impossible to teach. Hattie recommends that teachers spend the same amount of time on formative evaluation as they do on summative assessment. They teach for the entire class period. 1. Good writing responds to the interests and needs of its intended audience and at the same time, reflects the writer's personality and … Designed to teach reading comprehension strategies. 2. Begin with this and then move toward intrinsic. Be sure that you alter your teaching to the students' needs. Top Qualities of an Effective Teacher The skills needed for effective teaching involve more than just expertise in an academic field. 1.) Objectives, 2.) Help teachers plan WHAT they are going to teach (not HOW they are going to teach). Objectivity 4. The effective teachers are characterized by being flexible, patient, open, dedicated and motivating. Tips for becoming an effective teacher Patterns and connections that CHANGE with experiences. 80% retention. “Twelve Characteristics of Effective Early Childhood Teachers,” written by Laura J. Colker, compiled feedback from forty-three experienced teachers as they thought about what it takes to excel in their work. Think of your students as teammates, not adversaries. 5 Stufflebeam & Shinkfield (1995); Sammons (1996). Inference and prediction activities, 7. KWL- What do I already KNOW, What do I WANT to know, End of the reading/activity, what have I LEARNED. Factors outside of the classroom dictate how a student learns. Reflecting on their practice, they identified the personal characteristics they believe are integral to effective teaching. There are a great many and varied characteristics that make for effective teaching. The four characteristics are: 1. Gerald Gillis is a writer and speaker living in Atlanta. A personality trait is a relatively stable characteristic that causes individuals to behave in certain ways. They should move beyond rote memory answers.The best approach is to: PLAN and WRITE your questions in advance of classroom discussion (so students don't take you down rabbit trails), use Bloom's Taxonomy as a guide for organizing questions from simple to complex, wait time for a STUDENT RESPONSE= 5 seconds. 4. They don’t waste instructional time. Most teachers will tell you that they don’t have favorites, but the truth is that there are students who possess certain characteristics that make them ideal pupils. Examples: values (parents now want values taught), self-efficacy (how they feel about themselves), goal attainment, self-actualization, real life relevance, hobbies, personal interest. Personality traits of effective teachers have been an important area of investigation. It is easily communicable for its wide application. Facts: small bits of knowledge- must know facts in order to understand concepts. Positive attitude toward kids; high expectations for students; willingness to … The oldest most widely used form of curriculum broken into 3 categories: Common Content, Special Content, and Elective Content. 8. Being genuine is one of the most important personal characteristics that a teacher can possess. Start studying Characteristics of effective teachers. Example: problem solving, puzzles, etc. 7 Bad Habits of Ineffective Teachers. Although great teachers may also possess a number of other wonderful qualities (like a sense of humor, personality, flexibility, kindness, leadership, classroom management, a calm demeanor, experience, and the ability to multitask), these are the qualities the best teachers universally possess. Here are my five essential characteristics of highly skilled elementary classroom teachers of ELs. Treats students with respect and caring. The research literature agrees with them: Teachers need to be able to build trusting relationships with students in order to create a safe, positive, and productive learning environment. Piaget: If schema is inaccurate, students will be confused. 6 Campbell et al. I am inspired by an article by Christine Coombe in TESOL Connections entitled “10 Characteristics of Highly Effective EF/SL Teachers” and wanted to present an elementary school version geared toward classroom teachers. Non linguistic representation (concept maps, pictures, graphs, kinesthetic activity: vary routine- humans are visual learners), 5. Statements, sometimes inferential in nature, that describe a relationship between two or more concepts. Practice makes perfect is a fundamental learning tool. The Definition challenge Defining the effective teacher, effective teaching and teaching effectiveness can be complex and controversial. More than one-half of all students in the U.S. are being raised by a single parent. Effective teachers need to be able to work in a constantly evolving environment and adjust their teaching methods based on the age of their students, the resources available and changing curriculum, practices and requirements. Children must go through one stage in order to get to the next stage. 5. Check for Understanding, 6.) Must be able to transfer information to other things- application. What are the attributes of an effective teacher? Students identified similar qualities among highly effective teachers. If not used, the dendrites go away. Assessment. SUMMARIZING the content of a passage, ASKING a question about the central point, CLARIFYING the difficult parts of the material, and PREDICTING what will come next. Below are the skills needed to ensure that you do justice to one of the noblest professions; teaching. It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts. Examples of Teaching Strategies: Computers, games, worksheets, reading, lecture, homework, individualized learning packet. You can express these characteristics in different ways, but typically this means that, most time of the day, you truly want to be in classroom and see your pupils learn and excel. The instructor’s role is to be primary information giverand primary evaluator. Connecting prior knowledge to new learning through activity/example- must connect! Teach 2.) Unity/cooperation/problem solving, Ecological approach to Classroom Management, Emphasis on habitat. 4 Creemers (1999: 51). To bridge the gap between research and practice, he includes checklists of skills and positive qualities associated with effective teacher performance as well as red Application of material (vs. learning: change in behavior). 1.Passion “This is not a career for someone just looking for a job working with kids because they are cute and it looks like fun. READS- REVIEW headings and subheadings, EXAMINE boldface words, ASK, "what do I expect to learn? Objectives, 3.) In these situations, always stay calm and confident to maintain morale and confidence in the school community. Assessing Performance, 9.) The earliest studies of teacher efficacy defined it as “the extent to which the teacher believes he or she has the capacity to alter student performance” (McLaughlin & Marsh, 1978, p. 84). It is important to find the aspects that make teacher They don’t waste instructional time. Knowledge of Your Subject. They start class on time. They start class on time. “We try to define the standard that we want everyone to work on.” –Nick Saban Effective coaches set clear goals and use simulation and modeling to help players reach those goals. Compare/contrast activities, 2. Leading discussions Characteristics of Effective Inclusive Schools Characteristics of Effective Inclusive Schools- There seems to be considerable agreement that schools are most successful in promoting student achievement and valued post-school outcomes when they: • Establish high expectations for learning that are linked with a clear and focused mission To create this: write content section (length varies from paragraph to 1-2 pages); number of content sections varies, content is followed by comprehension check, feedback section provides answers, solutions to each comprehension check section. We want them to value what they learn. The brain thinks in WHOLES, not pieces. 1. Effective teaching: a review of research and evidence 2 Sammons (1996); Day (2004). A concept has 5 characteristics: Name, definition, characteristics, examples, and place in a hierarchy. Effective was defined as that teacher who made the most significant impact on their lives. Providing Feedback, 8.) Knowing when or under what conditions to use knowledge and procedures... "If this, then this..." Logic: order of events. Problem solving can take many forms in a classroom situation: geographical mapping, experiments, scavenger hunts, timelines, webquests, "if... then..." fact or fiction etc. An effective teacher is a boon to students. HOMEWORK: Important to their success. Use many different senses to allow the students to fully understand material. Use senses to mix up learning. Many first-time TAs are confused by the new authority of being a teaching assistant, and mistake intimidation for respect. Content Delivery (15 minutes: lecture, lesson-discussion, demonstration), 5.) If this is the case, the teacher has to help student change the schema. NEW! Objectives must be organized and planned. 20 Observable Characteristics Of Effective Teaching Begins class promptly and in a well-organized way. Teachers must educate the "whole student" not just the part of the student that they encounter in class. Individual grades, peer evaluations, assess at the end of every day! Modify student behavior with punishment/reinforcement ( positive and negative), Socioemotional Climate approach to Classroom Management, Counseling/Clinical Psychology. Transition is CRITICAL: Planning, Preparing, Presenting. Guidelines for Effective Class Management. Activities 6.) It Tends towards Self-Organisation: Cooperative learning (ability group ~ 5 members), learning centers, group work, think-pair-share, jigsaw, panel discussion, symposium (members present their side), debate, round table. PREVIEW, QUESTION, READ, REFLECT, RECITE, REVIEW: Teach them how to look for the main points. Some teachers teaching the curriculum and students do not learn, because the curriculum is too advanced for certain stages. Prepare the lesson sequence and allot approximate times for the lesson segments, 3.) A study of 25,000 high school students determined that 3 major influences on academic achievement are: Ability (what the kid has), motivation (teacher and kid), quality of instruction (teacher-critical to children), 3 Qualities You Want in you and your Students, 1.) Individual and group accountability. Providing Learning Guidance, 6.) Find GCSE resources for every subject. Effective teachers, in the sense of being able to 1. You want all children to have mastery of the content. Monitoring activities, explaining rules, Authority approach to Classroom Management. Coach then listed criteria that he believed might be helpful to define an effective teacher: 1. Students are usually passively receiving information. You need to remember that we all have "failed" lessons from time to time. Educators have failed to reach agreement on answers to questions like: • What is effective teaching? Organization of information through visual representations: concept maps, graphic organizers, webs, advanced organizer, schematic, Venn diagram. Educational reform seeks to break down barriers to education regardless of culture, ethnicity, and gender. Without further ado, here is a list of the top 25 skills needed to be a successful primary or secondary school teacher. 4. Crossword puzzles, word searches, cryptograms, anagrams. It stores in pieces however, all in different places. As a leader you will be faced with difficult situations. Organize lesson: a) attention getter, b) transition-to-lesson, c) lesson, d) transition-to-activity, e) activity: teacher-prepared, student prepared, f) transition-to-closure, g) closure, 4. ability to infer/make assumptions (must be accurate), 1.) 1.Passion “This is not a career for someone just looking for a job working with kids because they are cute and it looks like fun. Determine assessment strategy. To ensure the best experience, please update your browser. A process that energizes and directs behavioral outcomes. Teaching is a difficult job. The Three Characteristics of an Effective Teacher -has positive expectations for student success. He is the author of the Kindle eBook "How to Become a Successful, Effective Communicator." About 90 percent of learning doesn't get passed knowledge. … Mental operations from the lowest level of simple recall of information to complex evaluative processes. Many researchers in the field believe that consensus on … Reflecting on their practice, they identified the personal characteristics they believe are integral to effective teaching. Some researchers define teacher effectiveness in terms of student achievement. Care for students was the most common personal trait found in my research of effective teachers, while respect for students and parents was pointed to as a necessity for effective teachers to gain credibility with students. An effective teacher reflects on their teaching to evolve as a teacher. To define, to distinguish, to recall, to recognize, to develop, to outline, to identify, To translate, to prepare, to interpret, to distinguish, to conclude to predict, to estimate, to differentiate, to recognize, to explain, to summarize, to demonstrate, to paraphrase, to indicate, to make predictions, To apply, to employ, to relate, to predict, to use, To distinguish, to discriminate, to analyze, to detect, to recognize, to infer, to categorize, to choose, to select, To create, to propose, to integrate, to plan, to design, to synthesize, to formulate, to perceive, to organize, to prepare, to develop, to compile, to incorporate, to visualize, To select, to judge, to assess, to compare, to appraise, to distinguish, to evaluate, to decide, to determine. Extrinsic and intrinsic. Input, 4.) There are a great many and varied characteristics that make for effective teaching. Changes in school achievement as well as changes in attitude and motivation. An effective teacher can make all the difference in student achievement. Teachers and students who hold the majority of the following characteristics are almost always successful regardless of how success is defined. Effective teachers ask “why” questions, encouraging students to look at issues from multiple angles and apply critical-thinking to predict what will happen next. 1.) Start studying Organization of Public Schools and the Characteristics of Effective Teachers. Teachers and professors act as the sole supplier of knowledge, and under the direct instruction model, teachers often utilize systematic, scripted lesson pla… Learning is often the reward. Provides the significance/importance of information to be learned. (2004: 61). You will vary your instructional routine many times! Knowing how to do something in steps- teaches mind structure and organization. Have them read the statement to the class. Targets his/her audience and writes it for specific needs of the individual, provides for individual accomplishment and differentiation in students, and requires inordinate amount of time to create. Concept maps created by students. An effective teacher is one who is creative but that doesn't mean that you have to create everything from scratch! Changes in overt behavior of the learner. Assessment. Plan objectives and relate to relevancy and interest needs of students, 2.) Effective classroom management and positive classroom climate construction are essential goals for all teachers. Attitudes toward self: achieved through reflection, study, and participant observation. The Objective and It's Purpose, 3.) Retesting (using correctives). The development of understandings and the CHANGE OF BEHAVIOR resulting from experiences. Knowledge of Your Subject It’s what you learn after you know it all that counts. Listening to students goes a long way in building relationships based off of trust … Enhancing Retention and Transfer. Eliciting Performance, 7.) The focus is on achieving a shared vision, and all understand their role in achieving the vision. … Class. "T" notes created by students, 3. Being able to retain information. Must be able to measure it! The goal is to get them to conceptualization. A clear and shared focus Everybody knows where they are going and why. Specific knowledge tasks (ex. Test/Assess 3.) 2. Instead of looking at it as a failure, think about it as a lesson and learn from it. Get them to do homework by making it interesting. Effective was defined as that teacher who made the most significant impact on their lives. Here we give you some tips so that you become one of them. Students identified similar qualities among highly effective teachers. Anticipatory Set, 2.) Enthusiasm. Give them a chance to prove themselves. Content Delivery (lecture, lecture-discussion, demonstration), 6.) 1. Teachers who strike the right tone in the classroom help their students enjoy school, and that means they're likelier to work hard and remember their lessons. Often unconscious and communicated to students, Theory: Unproven explanation of why something happens the way it does; basis for hypotheses, further study and research, Behavior Modification approach to Classroom Management, From Behavior psychology. Reading Strategy: Who are the CHARACTERS, what is the AIM of the story, what PROBLEM happens, how is the problem SOLVED? Effective teaching requires well-rounded instructors who are confident in the material they teach as well as their own skin. The effective teacher characteristics indicated by the participants are mainly accumulated under the categories of 'teaching skills’ and 'personality characteristics'. Categories, sets, or classes with common characteristics. attitude toward peers and parents-accept differences, value other opinions, real/genuine, empathetic. The focus and vision are developed from common beliefs and values, creating a … Characteristics of effective teacher Andreia Ramona Lupascu a*, Georgeta Pânisoar a, Ion-Ovidiu Pânisoar a aUniversity of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania Abstract Developing a desired teacher behavior is the subject of many studies. Word or phrase formed from rearranging letters. The brain processes incoming sensory data through its different regions. Large group teaching makes it impossible. There are certain personality traits that help teachers and students succeed. attitude toward subject matter-enthusiasm encourages excitement/enthusiasm among students. Teachers of the gifted must be flexible and insightful . 3. It is a change in mental processes or observable behavior. Ability to observe objectively (making an inference. Reteach 4.) Teaching is most effective when students are motivated by the desire to learn, rather than by grades or degree requirements. Good Teachers Are Adaptable. 1.) American cultural diversity is defined by the knowledge, rules, traditions, attitudes, and values that guide behavior in a particular group. Require students to take notes, collect notebooks and give them a notebook grade! Effective teachers need to be able to work in a constantly evolving environment and adjust their teaching methods based on the age of their students, the resources available and changing curriculum, practices and requirements. The teacher is the center of knowledge and in charge of learning. Oh no! ...The essential characteristics of effective teaching The meaning of the word effective is: “adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result” (, 2012). 2. 2. Closure, 1.) Activities (introduce activities without content), 5.) Values or behaviors that students learn indirectly over the course of their schooling because of the structure of the educational system and the teaching methods used. Validity 3. 10. objectives must match test questions. Teachers who recognize a weakness in organization should seek help in improving in that area. Filled with adjectives or do you cut to the chase? Personal qualities of an effective teacher include: Empathy – you must empathise with your pupils’ attitudes and learning styles in order to teach effectively Ambition – drive is a vital part of being a teacher. Degeneration of brain cells is from lack of use, not a product of age. Stronge also examines characteristics of effective teachers of at-risk students and high-ability students. Activity first, discussion second. There is value in recognizing cultural diversity and a richness added to learning and culture that was not present previously in American culture. 3.) ...The essential characteristics of effective teaching The meaning of the word effective is: “adequate to accomplish a purpose; producing the intended or expected result” (, 2012). Teachers who lack organizational skills will be overwhelmed and, as a result, ineffective. Closure of Lesson, 7.) Piaget, Gagna, Bruner, Ausubel, Erikson, Vygoslsky. And not in a good way. Analysis: Critical thinking; identifying reasons and motives; making inferences based on specific data; analyzing conclusions to see if supported by evidence. Example: Elvis=lives, horse=? Goal is to have positive transfer. effective teacher. Below are the skills needed to ensure that you do justice to one of the noblest professions; teaching. 1.) In fact, in addition to being uncertain how to define effectiveness, we vacillate on just how to refer to successful teachers. However, not every student is created equal. Attention Getter, 4.) The ultimate reward is knowing that you have the opportunity to have an impact on a young person’s life. These are 10 characteristics of teacher-centered instruction 1. Presenting the Stimulus, 5.) One of the characteristics of an effective teacher is that these teachers feel privileged and honored to be a part in their students’ lives. Teach, Manage, Assess (often neglected). Behavioral Definition and Examples of Instruction. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Management is process of controlling behavior using discipline. Still others rely on comments from students, administrators, and other interested stakeholders. A concept has 5 characteristics: Name, definition, characteristics, examples, and place in a hierarchy. Trying all ways and means to influence the behavior and learning patterns of students, a real teacher will handhold students to success through holistic development. 1. … 2. Description of an Effective Teacher in the Classroom. What they will be able to do in class. 2.) Good educators are high in demand, but to be an effective teacher, you need to have a diverse set of professional skills to complete the package. Internal catalyst that comes from within the individual; a natural tendency to seek out and conquer challenges and pursue personal interests. Statement that describes what the student will be able to do upon completion of the instructional experience. Examples of Teaching Strategies: Audio-visual aide, experiments, hands-on-activities, concept maps, mnemonics, reports, and homework. Success may mean different things for different people. All students should have a full and equal opportunity to learn. They also understand that efficient and effective assessment means eliminating busy work while giving targeted, meaningful feedback and that engaging the students, connecting the material to their interests and passions, is the surest way to maximize learning. Attitudes of an effective teacher. 2.) Locomotor skills, from the low-level simple manipulation of materials to the higher level of communication of ideas, and finally to the highest level of creative performance (music and art). Cooperative learning, 6. 20 Observable Characteristics Of Effective Teaching Begins class promptly and in a well-organized way. Everyone wants to be liked, but if we keep thinking about how we want our students to like us, this is absolutely going to affect our teaching. Example: What influenced the writings of OR Why was DC chosen as the capital? A full and equal opportunity to learn leader you will be overwhelmed and, a. 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