Ukrainian (украї́нська мо́ва / ukrayins'ka mova, formerly Ruthenian - ру́ська, руси́нська мо́ва / rus'ka, rusyns'ka mova) is a member of the East Slavic subgroup of the Slavic languages.It is the official state language of Ukraine and the principal language of the Ukrainians. Most women do hold some form of employment as a single family income is very unlikely to be high enough to support a family. In general, Ukraine is a place with a highly developed culturalal life; especially in the major cities like Kyiv, Lviv, and Odesa. I would like to warn my compatriots who want to come to Ukraine that winters here are the same as in the northern provinces of China. Some of them are inspired by traditions, while others are a result of fanciful historical development. If someone does not have an academic or professional title, use the honorific \"Pan\" for a man and \"Pani\" for a woman with the surname. First, it is cheaper than in Moscow. Also, many takes holidays in summer around planting and harvest time help plant and sew harvests at summer homes. However, addressing each other using only first name is becoming popular in Ukraine amongst young-to-mid age people and between friends regardless of their age. There are many such examples, especially in big cities. The table below shows some general preferences of people from high context and low context cultures. When hearing this question, a Ukrainian may decide that you really care and the level of response you get will depend on how well you know each other and how much time you have available. Many senior business and political officials in Ukraine are affiliated with an Oligarch or large conglomerate of companies that are promoting a specific political or economic agenda. Ukrainians have a very different sense of humor than Westerners and jokes are not generally understood between cultures. Odesa: a city on the Black Sea mostly know for its massive port. Published on August 18, 2015 by Bas Swaen. During the Soviet period everyone was considered equal, although "some were more equal than others" - meaning the Communist Party elite enjoyed unspoken rights and privileges about which the majority of population was not even aware. It should also be noted that Ukraine, in every way, is a country transitioning from a closed to open society and its values and norms are changing along with it. But it is much warmer in the houses. The only recommendation I have for my countrymen who are going to come to Ukraine to study is that you must learn, first and foremost, that the front passenger seat in a car here is on the right side. In real life, however, nepotism governs class. Take care not to call the country “the Ukraine”. Other ethnicities in Ukraine include but are not limited to Polish, Jewish, Romanian and Hungarian. Women pay a lot of attention to their physical appearance, and appreciate being complimented. The New Year is celebrated at the same time (though Ukrainians also celebrate the old New Year – Malanka- on the 13-14 of Jan). Ukrainian as the sole means of teaching, including Ukrainian textbooks, a number of schools have adopted unofficially a dual-language approach. The glass ceiling for women is much more evident in Ukraine than in the “west”. We also look for meaning by use of non-verbals when what is being said is unclear to us, or someone listening to us speak. 580 likes. But in Western Ukraine you will find a higher number of Greek-Catholic, who follow the Orthodox tradition of religious services and have a married priesthood, as well as Roman Catholic. In social atmospheres Ukrainians are less punctual and follow their own clock (1/2h late). One can hear a lot about the “language problem” in Ukraine. It is important to use the Ukrainian language as a language of translation during negotiations, respecting the fact that it is the official language. Historical: Taras Shevchenko (Writer), Ivan Franko (writer), Lesia Ukrainka (writer), Stepan Bandera (Political/War hero, Western Ukraine), Prince Vladamir (Christened the Kyivian Rus). For regular dating sites like or eHarmony it is customary to have totally free communication once you join as a premium member for a period of time. The middle class is still not very significant in numbers. Ukrainians are also quick to point out that in the election of October 2015, 10 Members of Parliament are of Ukrainian heritage. A casual lunch or coffee together starting with general talk and then coming to the understanding of the issue on both sides would be a good tactic. Ukrainians tend to be rather sensitive about the evaluations of their professional performance and may take criticism as a personal offense. This is not to say that all Ukrainians support the westernization of the country. The rest of the message is in our non-verbal communications. Punctuality is understood in more relaxed fashion and usually applies to subordinates rather than to everyone in Ukrainian hierarchy. Cross-Cultural Communication in Ukraine Tetyana Lepeyko, Tetyana Blyznyuk Kharkiv National University of Economics - Management and Business Department, Kharkiv, UKRAINE ABSTRACT Many international companies are actively opening their offices and branches in the territory of Ukraine./Very often the heads of these missions are foreign managers. First, guests are always welcome here. Do not make hasty conclusions but consider the content of the conversation instead. Wu Li, Manager (China-Ukraine) The higher a person’s rank, the less punctual the person may be. Ukraine was not a part of Russia, but a part of the Soviet Union which was led by Russia. Usually the most senior person from the Ukrainian side would be leading the meeting. When in those positions, they come across more resistance than their male counterparts. Gender: Gender is one of the more complex cultural aspects in Ukraine, both socially and professionally. History and Current Situation Ukraine regained independence after the collapse of the Soviet Union in 1991, but the Soviet model of centralized state-owned media companies largely remained in place while information censorship and a lack of business management experience continued. It is less likely to be so in a social setting. Bribery and gifts are also not uncommon to ensure medical treatment, grades, promotions etc. Ukrainians often have more than one job, moonlighting or consulting on the side. Fortunately, almost all people living in the country understand both languages. Some observe that in Ukrainian workplaces promises are made relatively easy but sometimes not kept. Typically, Ukrainians would say that there are two classes in today’s Ukraine: rich and poor. Hetmans were military and political leaders whose role was to defend Ukrainian lands from various intruders in the XV - XVIII centuries. Women are generally more non-verbal and indirect when speaking to strangers or colleagues. She can insist she’s not interested, but if she’s smiling, it indicates she is. For instance, the ideas of aggressive feminism have not taken root in Ukraine. Having said this, office meetings rarely start or end on time as they are often not only professional events but also a chance to catch up with colleagues/friends. Canada and Latin America and the Caribbean, Canada and the Middle East & North Africa, Cultural Information - Ukraine | Centre for Intercultural Learning. Status is often shown through clothing and accessories and people strive to be seen as person of certain status even if in reality they are not. Music: Mandry, Tartak, VV, Okean Elzy, MadHeads, Jamala, Ruslana, Volodymyr Ivasuk, Sofia Rotaru, Pikadirska Tertsia, ViaGra, Dakha Brakha, Ot Vinta, Food: Perogies/Varenyky, Cabbage Rolls, Borshch (tomoato/beet based soup wich varies from region to region), Salo (pig fat), Smalets (pig lard with bacon-bits, onion, garlic), Kotlety (beef/meet cutlets), Kvas (fermented bread drink, non-alcoholic), Oliver (similar to a potato salad, with peas, bologna, pickles and mayo), various forms of dried and pickled/marinated fish), shashlik (pork, chicken, beef, on a stick), green borsch (sorrel soup). It’s cool. Interpersonal problems are better discussed privately in a non-confrontational manner. And that was quite a common tendency for Ukraine. ), it means they are ready to receive a little more than a one-syllable answer, and not out of curiosity, but rather because they are ready to offer you support. I graduated from Kharkiv State University in 1991. Men tend to be more direct in their communication than women and expect that of other men. So, what language is spoken in Ukraine? On the other hand, if they ask you “Yak vashi spravy?” (How are things? It’s most famous buildings as well as the whole downtown core has been renovated and modernized. It’s all in the non-verbals. Canada was the first country to recognize Ukraine as Independent from the USSR and one of the first to call the Soviet Holodomor a Genocide against the Ukrainian People. It does not mean at all that something bad has happened. Ukrainian society has its specific features and standards of conduct that you may find unusual. In July 2016 Canada and Ukraine signed the “Canada Ukraine Free Trade Agreement” (CUFTA) which removed about 99% of tariffs between the two countries. If your Ukrainian colleague does not have a professional or academic title, please use the prefix of “Pan” (for men) and “Pani” (for women) and his or her surname. The content of Country Insights in no way reflects official policy or opinions of the Government of Canada, Foreign Affairs and International Trade Canada or the Centre for Intercultural Learning. Productivity varies and usually relates to a common cyclical process where pace and workload significantly increase when closer to the deadline, and are relatively slow at the beginning of a project or an initiative. Public displays of affection, anger or other emotions are more common and are generally acceptable if they do not involve rude gestures or/and using physical force against another person. Nonverbal Communication  Nonverbal Communication In Business Laura Ewert Business Communications Dr. Donna Gutschmidt Author’s Note: This research paper is to be handed into Dr. Donna Gutschmidt on Monday October 20, 2014 for BUSN 334: Business CommunicationsIn this paper I am going to discuss how to demonstrate nonverbal communication in the business world. We must warn you that Ukrainians do not preplan their visits or parties either, unless it is a holiday or an important event in their lives. Because our video chat is a hot place for men and women to meet and to date. In Ukraine and Russia, politeness is essential. Using one’s own judgement, much like you would in a “western culture” is always the best way to decide how to proceed with such sensitive issues. In Ukraine, relations between friends are warmer than, for example, in Europe. Ukrainians take tremendous pride in their work and expect to be recognized when they do a good job. Other ethnic groups include Crimean Tatars, Moldovians, Jews, Polish, Romanians, Hungarians and other Baltic and eastern Europeans. Some gestures that would be considered inappropriate between work colleagues tend to be commonplace in Ukraine, even if unwelcome by women. Ukrainians tend to be more physical when communicating with each other or with foreigners. Academic and professional titles are commonly used with the surname. It is best to try to clarify things as soon as possible and privately. There are two main ethnic groups in Ukraine: Ukrainians (about 78% percent of the total population) and Russians (17% percent). Several Ukrainian media assets survived the Soviet collapse, among them UT-1— a TV broadcaster with 27 regional subchannels — a handf… Also, it is not common for Ukrainian women to shake hands upon introductions. Women still do the majority of the cooking, cleaning and child rearing in addition to full time jobs. Non-Verbal Communication. Digital telephone exchanges are used extensively in large cities and suburban areas, but telephone connections are sometimes a problem in rural areas and smaller towns. Depending on the atmosphere of the meeting, current events (at a glance) and world events (at a glance). Television: There is very little English language Television in Ukraine, and what exists is generally western TV shows that have been dubbed into Ukrainian or Russian. It is customary for Ukrainians to highly value friendly relations, which may often be as important as relations of kin. It is unquestionable that the Ukrainian woman has been carrying the heaviest burden of social reconstruction - taking care of the family, and working sometimes on several jobs and often doing a bit of farming to provide for the family. In the Ukrainian professional environment, the most important conversations often take place in the kitchen or in smoking spaces over a smoke or even a drink. Soccer is by far the most famous sport in Ukraine with Andtiy Shevchenko being the most famous contemporary Ukrainian football (soccer) player. Shake hands with everyone upon arriving and leaving. Only days after a deadly landfill blaze had been extinguished near Lviv in western Ukraine, close to 100 participants gathered in the city for a three-day training (June 15-17) titled “Communication Tools, Cooperation and Leadership to Promote Environmental and Energy Efficiency in Ukrainian Municipalities”. Ukrainians in Ukraine are proud of this special connection to Canada and hope that the Ukrainian diaspora will continue to play a major role in the establishment of closer ties and economic cooperation between the two countries. The projects are met with scepticism by both men and women as “gender equality” is fairly misunderstood by both. Generally, Ukrainians are sincere about all aspects of communication. Both experience and education respected, but, much like in the west, experience is invaluable. This is the most evident in those born after independence. It is common for acquaintances to call each other and ask if they are not busy in the evening and if it is all right if they come over, or invite them to their own place. In Ukraine, a friend is someone you trust almost as much as you trust yourself. Religion: Religion does not play a large role in the workplace as it is not a subject that is generally broached in a professional setting. Which certainly has an impact on deadlines and may affect the quality of work. Generally mid-December through mid to late January are times of celebration and many offices stay closed for much of the time. However, they are quite specific to each nationality and region. Ukrainian names also have a “diminutive” form. On the … Numerous writers have contributed to the country’s rich literary history. Kyiv, the capital of Ukraine, is more than 1500 years old and has many historical places and architectural buildings to visit. Ukrainians are usually very hospitable towards foreigners. People- watching in town squares and local restaurants is also beneficial. Extensive evaluations on ones work and things like work plans and yearly reviews are still rather uncommon. Ukraine - Ukraine - Cultural life: Ukraine possesses a wealth of cultural talent and a considerable cultural legacy. Borderland, a journey thought the history of Ukraine (A. Reid), Ukraine, Birth of a Modern Nation (S. Yekelchyk). 4. Argentinian Business Communication Style . It is accepted to be late to a meeting within 15 minutes of the designated time. Use of diminutives is reserved for close friends and colleagues. A guidebook is always beneficial. High ranking positions in Government as well as White Collar professions are generally held by the wealthy, including Ukrainian Oligarchs, who, much like in other post-soviet states, have no interest in sharing their control of key sectors in Ukraine. The matter is that the Soviet system with its centrally planned economy had dominated up until 1991. Young people quickly gained the necessary skills, obtaining a second or even third education, often abroad, which contributed to their fast career advancement. However, many people speak Russian in their every day life, except in Western Ukraine which historically is a stronghold of the Ukrainian language and culture. В мережі з'явився рекламний ролик бренду House 99 колишнього британського футболіста Девіда Бекхема. There are various superstitions which, as they say, they do not believe in but try not to break all the same. Religion is not a taboo subject and religious viewpoints can be discussed with co-workers or acquaintances. With Greek, Ukrainian, Moldovian, Russian, French, Portuguese and Jewish heritage, the city offers a unique mix of cultures and flavours. with their colleagues. Experience does play an important role in the person’s position within the organization, but the same is often true regarding the person’s connections within the professional establishment or in the society in general. Uman: also in the centre of Ukraine Uman is a charming “garden city” with the Sophisca garden. The glass ceiling is still very evident in Ukraine and equal pay for equal work is a long way away. Ukrainians take great pride in their county and city, and generally welcome remarks about the beauty of the city and the country. It is not a completely free service, but you will be offered free minutes when you buy the minute packages. So, do not forget warm clothes. Meet Ukrainian ladies free and go on the communication in our hot video chat. –Russian-language communication patterns or their correspondents in the Ukrainian language dominate the speech of Ukrainian youth. Ukrainian language should receive the status of an international communication language. Ukrainians in generally are highly educated with most people in the professional workforce having obtained a university degree. Selected works translated into English of modern Ukrainian writers like S. Pavlychko, O.Zabuzhko, Y. Andrukhovych and others could be found in Canadian bookstores. Kamianets-Podilsky: a mid-sized city in the centre of Ukraine is home to a fully intact medieval fortress and castle. 1891 - 1914 about 170 thousand Ukrainian settled in the mainly agricultural Prairie Provinces. It is common for Ukrainian office workers to celebrate all holidays and birthdays by arranging a buffet or a more “substantial meal”. Ukrainians pay a lot of attention to their dress and appearance especially in a professional environment. Most Ukrainians are well aware of the historical and cultural assets their city and country has to offer. A personal relationship or friendship is a good reason to expect and ask for a favour. The diversity of Ukrainian cultural life will satisfy the diverse tastes of guests of the country. They may be at times quite critical about their own country’s politics but could take an offence when a foreigner does the same. Present day: Andrij Shevchenko (soccer player), Jamala (singer), Nadia Savchenko (POW and Politician), Klitschko brothers (boxers and politician), Georgiy Gongadze (journalist, deceased), Volodymyr Ivasiuk (composer and singer), Vyachyslav Chornovil (journalist), Mustafa Dzhemilev (Crimean Tatar politician in exile). Revised on November 9, 2020. What’s your communication style? General advice is; when in doubt choose the more formal clothing and always pack a business suit. In fact, Canada was the first Western country to officially recognize the independence of Ukraine. And third, I looked for new impressions, new places, and new discoveries. The official language here is Ukrainian and that is absolutely logical. So, you should not be surprised if in Ukraine you see women who, by the age of 35, have had a baby or two, obtained an education or even more than one education. This is a fact for all societies, and cultures of the world. “Gypsy cabs” should be avoided and ensuring that a meter is running in taxis is also key when traveling in within cities. Ukrainian as the official language is used especially in the bureaucracy and educational institutions. For instance, even if you have agreed about a meeting, it is common practice to confirm it by telephone an hour or so before the appointed hour. Current pop culture Idols include Okean Elzy and Jamala. Following the Revolution of Dignity in 2014 a vibrant urban art culture as grown to use large scale murals as a way to communicate and promote Ukrainian culture and heritage. This year I have graduated from a higher educational institution in Kyiv and obtained a diploma. In some communicative situations, for example, those of leavetaking, the Ukrainian language is practised on a par with Russian, though mostly in unequal relations (e.g., between students and professors) demanding the use of the official speech code; Hotels will usually charge 2 to 3 times more than what the telephone companies do. professionals). It is common to repeat your name while shaking hands. The effect of this model is that subordinates do not make decisions on their own, and often don’t take initiative. Maybe to North Americans, eastern European customs look the same. In Ukraine, smiling at strangers is not considered polite – in fact, smiling at a stranger will most likely make them uncomfortable, and possibly cause them to wonder what’s wrong with you. In 2016, Canada and Ukraine also celebrated 125 years of Ukrainian immigration to Canada. Other motives like job satisfaction, good working conditions are relatively important but not necessarily crucial. Again, this is dependent on age. However, they probably won’t take offense if you cannot change your evening plans. Millennials are more likely to display affection than people 40+. When we speak we only communicate about 7% of our message. In recent years, Ukraine’s telephone network has been upgraded and new equipment installed. Sometimes it may be misinterpreted as an attempt to achieve success by using their feminine charm, but that is far from true. And people of status will often promote family and friends to other positions of status regardless of ability. Women as managers are not unheard of, but are still atypical. Vishal Ratnakar, theoretical physicist (India-Ukraine) They are accustomed to making their own choices of life tasks, priorities and the sphere in which they self-actualize. It should be noted that, while in the past Ukrainians had little interaction with Westerners, this is less and less true. Ukrainian people value the approach that most Canadians take when they go to Ukraine, that is, to share their experiences and expertise, and not to be directive, telling Ukrainians what to do. Polycrhonic. A private discussion is always better than a public one. Visiting local museums and historical sites is the best way to learn about Ukrainian culture, however, it should be noted that many of the sites do not provide English tours. A pat on shoulder, a hug, a kiss on a cheek are the acceptable norms of communication among friends or close acquaintances. In the home gender roles are very similar to those in Canada from the 70’s and 80’s when women were starting to break through into the workforce and split their goals between family and profession. So, what is the matter? Ukrainian businesspeople are generally less formal than in many other countries. It is atypical, though not unheard of, to refuse a drink when at such a meeting. Confronting a Ukrainian directly in a team meeting or public setting will not lead to positive results. There are some Muslims (i.e. But that is just the first impression. Two years ago I decided to enter an educational institution in Kyiv and now I am here, studying. Non-verbal communication is very important. When Ukrainians address each other in a professional setting they use their first name, their patronymic and then their last name. Ukrainian Orthodox - Kyiv Patriarchate 19%, Orthodox (no particular jurisdiction) 16%, Ukrainian Orthodox - Moscow Patriarchate 9%, Ukrainian Greek Catholic 6%, Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox 1.7%, Protestant, Jewish, none 38%. Basic biographies, names, age, work, basic family information, interests and hobbies are good discussion topics. If no one minds, a warm meeting at someone’s home or at a restaurant can take place that very evening. For a meeting, Ukrainians will often ask to receive as much advance information as possible about the participants, the objective of the meeting, issues to be raised and anticipated results. Second, I have relatives and friends here who can support me. In a professional setting, men shake hands, and, when dealing with westerners, will shake hands with women as well, though, this is not generally the norm among Ukrainians, and is generally initiated by men. While you are still paying for access to the premium features, there is no charge for every message or letter to another member. Ukraine celebrated many of the same holidays as the West, however, they are celebrated following the “old calendar” meaning that holidays like Christmas, Easter and other Christian holidays do not fall on the same dates as those in the west. Country Insights - Intercultural Issues are intended to provide snapshots of the overall social and cultural norms as well as the workplace environment that a Canadian might face working in a specific country. Low use of non-verbal communication. Money- and health-related issues, as well as personal problems, can be talked about within a close circle of friends. When hosting a Ukrainian official delegation senior officials will expect a more luxurious hotel and a private a car with a driver at their disposal. Interestingly, they can “keep a distance” and observe formalities within the office and at the same time discuss very personal issues and find moral support among their colleagues outside the office. The same goes for parties at work. When hearing this question, a Ukrainian may decide that you really care and the level of response you get will depend on how well you know each other and how much time you have available. It was referred by that name under the Soviet Union and may be considered offensive to use it. This is to be expected given the complexity of the subject and the problems associated with speaking generally about an entire country and its people. Punctuality is generally respected in the work place (arrival time) but leaving before your boss at the end of the workday is less common. Meetings are generally taken by senior officials in Ukraine and are often taken offsite, in restaurants and café’s and sometimes involve meals and alcohol. Of course, if you come to Ukraine on business, you can negotiate in English, unless you find it a problem. Furthermore, with 1 million Canadian-Ukrainians, many people living in Ukraine have relatives and friends living in Canada. Most food in Ukraine is without GMOs, and the country prides itself in that. Ukrainians are ready to devote their time and effort to their acquaintances if the latter need help. Do you know why? Handshakes are quite firm. Ukrainian staff would normally expect the leader to "set the tone" of the organization/project and establish the rules. Most urban centres will offer classical performances including opera, ballet, drama theaters and concert halls and these performances regularly sell out. To effectively run a large business in Ukraine, you will have to adapt to the existing communication style to some degree, even if you feel like you are "compromising your principles." The landscape and architecture is surreal. , the garden is a fact for all societies, and the sphere in which they self-actualize, as say. Hobbies are good discussion topics it combinesbeauty, antiquity, and in depth politics are shy! Life typical of other men to other positions of status will often promote family friends. To repeat your name, their patronymic and then their last name and... Use the diminutive form of employment as a sign of dishonesty or shyness available at some restaurants but not! 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