You definitely don’t see me at my best everyday or find me very desirable as I scurry around a classroom with kid’s snot wiped on my skirt and marker all over my face. Today I went to for a check up for the 1st time in a while. If you are a man, look for those flirting signals — and your own approach may be more likely to get a warm reception. Keep in mind that some men are shy and have trouble showing their feelings for women, especially if they like them a lot. i think this guy is flirting with me..but he’s naturally very friendly and flirtatious with everyone and has lots of gal friends. When a guy likes you, however, his way or flirting with you will be different. After careful observations and going to my doctor for over 2 months now, I am now 80% sure my doctor who is much older than me is secretly attracted to me. But just to make sure, I still wanted some other opinions. So I showed her my penis. He tells me personal stuff about himself and Chats with me longer that is needed along with other signs I could go into. We are chatting, and the topic of our conversation drifts to the ID photo. So when I finally got around to going to the doctor, I was actually quite pleased to hear that, yes indeed, there was something wrong. That Stare. One of the telltale signs of a flirty conversation is when the eyes widen. So, my friend and I happen to be hanging around one day, along with the other girl. Because of an issue, I have had to go in about 10 times over the past year. Flirting is common, even among married couples. Sometimes the signs are all in the way he acts. Thanks for responding! This means she’s flirting with you and you better take action and flirt back. When you’re flirting with a woman, it can sometimes be hard to know if it’s mutual, or if she’s just being kind. i have had a few doctors flirt with me :( when I went to the hospital a few times from getting injured from playing rugby and volleyball. What are some signs that an older doctor might fancy a younger patient? He’ll laugh at all your jokes (even if they’re lame) and you catch him looking at you while you’re talking to someone else too. Flirting can be baffling territory if you’re not a master of decoding body language. If when he is talking to you and his eyes widen and become more expressive throughout the conversation, then this is one of the signs he's flirting at work with you and he is deeply attracted to you. Flirting Office Romance Romance. He examined my tummy, heart, breasts, etc.. Then, at the end he talked to me about the examination smiling the whole time. There are a number of physical signs to look for to determine if a married man is flirting… ... My medical doctor has done the following. Thing is, he’s married and in his 40s. I've been visiting this doctor for almost a year, she's got great reviews on Yelp and good, courteous staff. Check out his face the next time he says something to you, and if he turns bright red for no reason, or if he just turns red after saying something slightly personal to you, then it's definitely a sign that he likes you and is just flirting. He Treats You Differently. There are several reasons why a married man flirts. lol I think his coworkers are noticing our connection too. How to know if your boss is just ‘nice’ or flirty! From the beginning, she's been a bit too caring towards me and gradually it became way more informal and in the past few months, she just keeps smiling at me as if she's trying to give some hint and even asked if I have a girlfriend (I'm single and 25) and I was quite taken aback by that. And though I watch him be nice with other patients, he doesn't flirt with them. 1 comment. So, for all those women who are confused, given below are the stages of flirting, and the various signals indicating that a man is interested in being more than just friends. The girl (a solid 7, I might add) also finds the picture amusing, and so she snaps a picture of it. "Flirting for me is an increase. 12 signs your boss is flirting with you. I saw him for the first time and instantly there was almost like a nervous tension. I went to the doctor, told her, she said to show her.